Meet Lisa Newman RVN part of the Farr & Pursey team, who runs all of our Nurse Clinics.

Here at Farr and Pursey Equine we have a unique veterinary nurse service to offer. Lisa is our Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN) who has been qualified for over 14 years and has also gained a further qualification in parasitology and prescribing non-prescription veterinary medicines as a RAMA (registered animal medicine advisor).
Lisa grew up on a dairy farm and was put on a horse before she could walk and had many a school report which said more attention needed in class and less time with the horses and animals. In her veterinary career Lisa has worked in an equine referral hospital with neonatal and stud facilities and in mixed practices including working in a canine hydrotherapy and rehabilitation unit, until her first child was born in 2015.
In 2016 she joined Farr and Pursey Equine on a part time basis and has been a valued member of the team ever since. She has a keen interest in parasitology, behaviour and veterinary diagnostics and surgery. She has also been out to a number of pony club events speaking regarding equine parasite control and first aid.
Veterinary nurses are skilled professionals and an integral part of the veterinary team. They work closely with the veterinary surgeons and pet owners to deliver the best possible care. As a qualified RVN you are trained on a wide range of areas from surgical, anaesthetic and emergency situations to the hospitalised patient with care plans, lab work, how to administer medical treatments , infusions and perform diagnostic tests like X-rays under the veterinary surgeons supervision.
Nurse clinics form a large part of the RVN’s day job and serve to help the pet owner to care for and manage their animal and also facilitate a deeper understanding and teach valuable skills. Topics can include first aid, poultice care, worming, weight management and husbandry.
Lisa carries out regular nurse clinic visits that include the use of the weigh bridge and a body condition scoring system. The visits on average last for about an hour, often longer when doing on yard worm egg count testing and when there are more horses on the yard. Lisa can take blood samples and demonstrate how to give wormers and medicines, how to take a temperature, pulse and respiration rate (TPR), how to do a stable and a tail bandage, how to inject, clip claws (for those yard dogs and cats) and remove ticks to name but a few!
Lisa always has a box of goodies that she takes around which includes all sorts of useful information leaflets and posters plus the occasional freebies and vouchers too. Charges apply for the nurse clinics. So for your next nurse clinic visit please contact the practice and we can get something booked in.
On the first Thursday and third Thursday of each month Lisa is available to come onto your yard for a nominal fee; where she can weigh your horse using a fully mobile and wireless weigh bridge, perform worm egg counts (giving you a result in less than 15 mins, a charge of £10 per test with more discounts for multiple samples done at the same time), take routine bloods; give advice on horse management, weight and nutrition….. the list goes on.
Lisa is herself a horse owner so understands the practical application of her knowledge into ‘real-work’ scenarios.
Lisa is also able to conduct the KBHH Yard Master survey, which enables you to evaluate your yards ability to prevent and contain disease.

Read more about Lisa in one of her first blog posts here.
Lisa also posts updates on the blog each month, so keep checking back for updates!